2 minute read

Free Field Acoustic Wave Propagation

Acoustic free field is a situation where there are no obstacle is close to the sound source, the receiver, and the sound path.

Under free field condition:

  • Sound wave from omnidirectional point sound source will be spherical
  • Sound pressure level, Lp, is a function of sound power level, Lw, of the source and the distance, d, from the source to receptor.


Where Q is the directivity factor of the source:

Q Type of source Directivity Index, DI (dB) # of Reflective surface
1 omnidirectional source 0 None
2 omnidirectional source over a reflective plane 3 1
4 omnidirectional source in a corner of 2 reflective plane 6 2
8 omnidirectional source in a corner of 3 reflective plane 9 3

and D is the extra attenuation (e.g.: barriers, ground effects etc.):

Types of Wave Propagation Situations

Situation Remark Attenuation Term Standard
Terrain (ground effect) Complicates calculation through screening or reflection image (ISO 9613)
Room (very small) All dimensions are small compared to wavelength of sound source Stationary waves -
Room (normal) Free path is large compared to wavelength of sound source (practically constant reverberant field) image -
Room (very large) Spatial sound level decay is present Empirical model exists, but usage of simulation models are advised -


  • h_m = the average height above ground of the direct sound propagation path, in m
  • α = mean absorption coefficient
  • A = total area of absorption, in m^2


[1] M. Asselineau, Building Acoustics. Boca Raton, Florida: CRC Press, 2015.

[2] D. A. Bies, C. H. Hansen, and C. Q. Howard, Engineering Noise Control, 5th ed. Boca Raton, Florida: CRC Press, 2017.