Hello there, nice to meet you, I am Edward. Professionally, I am an acoustic consultant due to my interest in structural dynamics, acoustics and vibration. Despite my formal education, I had also self-learned the fundamentals of data science and machine learning through online resources.

Webpage Directories

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Home Posts on my learnings of knowledge that I would like to document.
DS Projects Details on the data science projects that I had worked on.
Books List of books that I had read.
Archive Tag-sorted archive of all my posts.
About This page.


I usually learn by referring back to the quick and summarized notes that I had documented. This is the reason why my posts are usually short and simple as they are just for my quick reference to refresh on what I had read and learned, which is also the reason for the creation of this website. Only complex or confusing concepts are explained in a more detailed manner for my posts.

This website is just for the documentation of my continuous learnings and are meant for my own personal usage only. If the reader seek for more details, please refer to the references of each post or do your own due diligence for clarification.
